
Saturday, August 25, 2012

So wet Saturday

Hi all!

How is your day?

Romeo next door's cat asleep all snug and warm on a blanket in my living room today
So yes it has been cold and cloudy with quite a bit of rain here in Bloubergstrand today.

Bad weather usually means no Dstv signal (satellite) comes through, so no TV.  I can hear my mom is watching Dragons Den on the telly downstairs at the moment!  Anway, so we rented a Dvd for tonight's entertainment from Vee's Videos at Eden on the bay.  (I sound like the guy from the movie the Trumann Show, always mentioning brand names and place names!)  But the more I mention a Brand, place and other names the more likely they (Ad Dynamo) will put a related add on my blog postings.  My little money earner?well in theory anyway, I have only earned R10-69 since January this year!
The Dvd is, "Horrible Bosses", a comedy or so the box says!  we will just have to wait and see - literally!

There was a very drunk guy in the parking at Eden on the bay, platting his legs, stinking of booze, saying "God bless you" and asking for money.

You can see why I am still a bit pissed off (pardon the pun) about the rude KLM purser who told me I was drunk a few years ago on a KLM 777 shortly after boarding.  I do not touch alcohol but he was implying I stink of booze and was of a shady disposition just because I have a walking disability from a Brain Tumour!  My friend Ann who works at the Hospice shop said to me on Wednesday that when she gets tired she looks drunk too (I know that, I have seen her walking when she is tired).  But what nobody who makes up stupid judgements realizes is that  Ann's leg and mine actually hurt physically when we are tired!   So this year KLM are paying for my passenger assistance once more!  Why must I tire myself out getting onto and off your aircraft/going through the airport and cause myself physical pain?  I never ever wanted to see myself in a wheelchair after 1997 but sometimes it is a must?

Well know that I have said it all!  I shall sign off from blogging for today!  Have a super Saturday further folks!


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the end of another day