
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday stuff

SAA A320

Where I call home

Bloubergstrand's beach with Table Mountain in the photo's background
Hi all!  How is your Thursday?

It is a super sunny day here in Bloubergstrand today, however it is icy cold!  Oh well?

I posted this week's recipe to my recipe blog.  (I always have to check my spelling of the word recipe, blogger changed my address of this blog as the correctly spelled word was not available.  When I was 12 years old, at primary school, I was in charge of writing the classes assigned homework in a homework dairy, so I had it  (the classess assigned homework diary) and my own homework dairy to write each day.  I used to spell the word tomorrow wrong as it became a bad habbit from trying to do 2 things at once!)

Chicken and Noodles in Broth

Have a superb day further folks!

Signing off  my blogs for today


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