
Thursday, August 16, 2012

הערה בלוג יום חמישי!

Hi all!

How is your day?

It has been raining and gloomy weather, most of today, here in Bloubergstand/ wherever Canal Walk is?  The sun is shining now and if you hadn't seen the rain earlier today, you would think the weather was pleasant!  A bit cold but what the!

So yes I went to Canal Walk today.  Romeo, next door's cat, was sitting outside the back door when we left the house at 10:30 ish and he was still sitting there, waiting for us on our return 3 and a half hours later.  This cat really seems to have adopted us!  He is a really super cat but unfortunately, he is not mine.  A tad bit worried he will wait for us to return outside the sliding door, all month while we are in Europe.  Last year TLC, another neighbours cat was on the "scene".  Romeo made sure she knew this was now his territory! Cats seem to like me!  I like them too!  but do not want to be tied down by a pet!  Quite a responsibility.
Almost, but not really, like being a parent?

This week's dish is Pesto Pasta.  I have this recipe, on file in my memory from 1996 when I visited my Aunty Mary in Leeds and she made it from a Tesco Recipe card.  I cooked it (this recipe) for my friends and family on the episode of I believe you believe, which stared me, in 1997.  I submitted it to You Magazine my original recipes in 2005 but they did not use it!  Pity, I would have made R150 for my recipe submitted to
them.  I guess they thought it was not my original Recipe.  I helped to sell a few copies of this magazine when I submitted a letter to the editor, regarding my disgusting treatment on an aircraft! (loads of people I know bought this issue, just to read my letter I submitted,) but what the!  Not meant to be wealthy?

When my ship comes in I will be at the airport?!?

Anyway, it is now time for me to bid y'all a fond farewell!  Have a superb day further folks!

Signing off for all my blogs!


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the end of another day