
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Typing for Tuesday Ittajpjar tat-Tlieta

Hi all!

How is your Tuesday?

From a really warm, it was 25 degrees Celcius yesterday and sunny, to a cold and rainy day today!

I guess the cat food ingredients help?

Nothing like a good sunny day?

What great service from Nedbank, regarding my new linked credit card, to my mom's credit card account, I do not earn enough to have a Credit card without it being sponsored by my mom, gosh I am a mommy's boy!  Anyway Nedbank said it might take up to four working days for my new credit card to be ready for collection.  It only took two days!  Brilliant and on the ball service!  I need to go to Bayside still to collect it, so that is the only thing that is delaying it's (the new cards) collection.  Standard bank had blocked my Credit card with them, as I have not used it in the last 3 months, it was for my own security though apparently!  The Nedbank lady thought that STD Bank has a stupid policy!  I agree!

Anyway...moving on

Next door's cat, Romeo, is here every day for quite a while, these days.  He is cool, it's great having a cat with no responsibility!  He does eat a lot though.  The other morning we had not cat food left, for him to eat,  so I fed him some of my breakfast cereal, he ate it!  He likes most food, fruit and vegetables included.  If it's there, he will try it!  Not a fusy eater? Every mother's dream?

It is ppouring down at the moment.  Good weather for boating on the Thames?

Anyway that is all from me for today. Have a great day further folks!

Signing off for all of my blogs!


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