
Saturday, June 9, 2012

a scribling for Saturday 1 scribling għal Is-Sibt

Hi all!  How hass your day been?

It has been overcast with intermittent rain showers, here today in Bloubergstrand, and I guess the rest of the Western Cape  today too.  Hopefully we won't experience floods.  I saw a news clip of the awful floods in Wales at the moment on Sky News this morning.  Tragic!

Romeo, next door's cat was sick on a carpet in our living room, this morning.  Poor cat, but couldn't he have gone outside through a window, he was sitting at a door before he did it but I didn't know he wanted to leave, for a puke break!

Etihad is apparently the world's most popular airline, in the world, these days!  Cool, maybe they over exaggerate this fact, in their adverts, but good for you if you the most popular airline, Etihad.  From Zero to Hero in a  few years of operation.  I have never flown Etihad Airlines, so I cannot give my opinion of them.
I have mostly only flown ??? the last few years , and yes I can rate them but the folks in the Netherlands send me mail!  So moving along swiftly....
Next Saturday I must book my economy comfort seats for my flight to Amsterdam.  Cathay Pacific Airlines offer the best Economy Comfort Class seats and service according to my Airliner World Magazine.

Some amazing properties on the TV show, I own Britain's best home, on the home Channel, yesterday!  I wish  I owned some of them but I have only made R22 from blogging, and other than that, I think a castle would be a bit large for little old me?!?

Anyway that is all from me for today folks!

Y'all have a wonderful weekend!

Signing off for alnlyb, d-ab and tb blogs for today.


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