
Monday, June 11, 2012

Dydd Llun Memo - Monday emo

Hi folks!  How has your Monday been?

It has been a lovely sunny day here in Blouberg today.  The morning was a very cold and frosty one indeed!  It is very cold here today but we got sunshine, so it is not all that bad!

It was a trip to Bayside to collect my new Credit Card and Contact lenses today.

My mother has very good luck when it comes to magazine crosswords, so far she has won a lot of different items.  Mostly books but she won a Lexmark Printer, a whole load of pens from Stabilo and a DV8 player that she got a congratulations you have won letter, but never received her prize! My mom's most recent winning was a R1000 voucher from Zando online clothing store.  It looks like a very good idea, if the concept of online clothes shopping takes off in South Africa, maybe it already has and I never realized.

Romeo next door's cat is asleep on a carpet in the sun at the moment.  I was going to buy him a can of cat food for a "treat" today, while we were in Woolworth's but the R12-50 price for a can of cat food! put me off the idea!!!!?!  Why is everything so expensive nowadays?  If he was my cat and not dining elsewhere, as well, he might have got a can of catfood, but like Oprah's guests on her show sometimes said,  "I do not have Oprah money!"

I used my new credit card on today to book the Novotel Schipol Airport, this hotel is not actually at the airport and unlike citizen M you need to use the free shuttle bus service provided by this hotel to get to the airport.  Citizen M is fine in one room for mom and I, but for my aunt and me, not really, as the citizen M rooms are not too private for an aunt and her nephew to stay in, it is the bathing facilities!

One of my FB friend's mom died a few days ago from cancer.  I know I will be very upset when my mom's time comes.  Hopefully  that day will be many years away.

Well unfortunately that is all from me for today.

Signing off for ALNLY, D-ab and maj blogs for today.


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the end of another day