
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rainy il-Ħamis/ Thursday Rain



Nice Wheels!

Van Gogh Artwork
Hi all!  How is your Thursday?

 It has been Pissing down (the only way to describe today's weather accurately!) here in Bloubergstrand all day today!  Romeo, next doors cat, was a very wet pussy (cat), really what are you like!?!, when he came in through my bathroom window this morning.  I had to get a towel from our garage to dry him off with.  Why do cats try to wriggle out of the towel, like they do not like you drying them off?  For your own good!

All this rain makes me think of the Jubilee Celebrations on the Thames River!

My co-volunteers at St. Luke's have asked me before if I can drive, because it's a bit of a nuisance not being able to drive!  As I have no doubt blogged before, I took driving lessons and I really did want to drive, but I don't think it would be such a wise decision if I was in control of a car!  Why? I cannot concentrate too long on things unfortunately as the shunt in my head drains if I think too much, and then I desperately need to pee!  Lovely?!? A bit of a sticky situation? When I was about 13 years of age some of my classmates did Go-karting, and I used to think it would be really cool to drive a vehicle, but hey life had different plans for me!

BBC ?Knowledg, yesterday evening, showed the inside of Windsor castle.  I have been in there with my sister Helen in 1995, it does not look like it has changed much since then!  They showed some of the rooms where tourists are not permitted to view.  What a magnificent place!  A bit too over gilded in gold, but if you've got it, flaunt it?!?

Buisiness class is on sale! Or so the mail in my inbox suggests, it is only R24 000 to Europe and R24 000 back to Cape Town!  When is a sale not a sale?

Signing off for alnlyb, d-ab and maj blogs for today!  Y'all have a super Thursday further folks.


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