
Friday, June 1, 2012

แรกของเดือนมิถุนายน First of June

Hi all!  How is your day?

It has a brilliant and Sunny day here in Bloubergstrand today.

I love the British Airways new advert.  The advert shows the airline from the early days as Imperial Airways, to BOAC, to British Airways of today and there is a shot of the Concorde too.  Air hostesses in white cotton gloves and hats, warmly welcoming passengers on board, how gentile travel was in the olden days!  Today's world of air travel is not the same!  Air bridges, jet aircraft you are crammed into and flight Attendants with attitude.  Why?  What was so wrong with the good old days?

There was breaking news on the etv news channel this morning, from the judgement of the Spear Painting.  When will the government stop judging a piece of artwork?  It is just silly, the attention a painting has caused in South Africa.  What about freedom of expression, in the constitution, the lady this morning kept referring to our liberal constitution laws, this morning but does it  really exist?

I think I shocked Pick 'n Pays, secret shopper, in Eden on the Bay today, when I asked her where they kept the bacon!  She might as well be helpful, rather than pushing her trolley around and taking items off the shelf and putting them back minutes later.  She is a very nice lady and found some bacon for me!  Oh well!!

A European airline sent an ad , to my email address today,saying that their business class tickets are on sale at a discounted fare at the moment!  Mmmm but why pay more?  Still flying on a Boeing 777 with their ever so pleasant cabin crew!  Maybe the bargain isn't that good a bargain then?

Well so sorry to disappoint anybody, but that's all from me for today's blog posting.  Y'all have a fantastic day further folks!

Signing off for alnlyb and abbd for today.


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