
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gone forever

"I'm outta here y'all!"

"Love me for a reason, let the reason be love!"
Hi all!  How is your last Day of February 2013!  28 days come and gone so fast, might as well be leaving for a new month, a new dawn but I'm feeling fine!!

It is a lovely sunny day here in Big Bay today.

My friend Jillian's grandson's cat (one of those long stories), got bitten by a snake and died from the venom while trying to run back to it's owner for help on Tuesday?  Tragic.  Not sure why I put this on my blog but a loss of any life is so sad, and deserves a mention for a life once lived?

Outrage as SA Minister of Women insults Afrikaner men on Aus TV

Lulu Xingwawa caused outrage when she informed the Australian News on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation channel of her views.

Really bad to insult peeps if you are anybody, but a government minister!

Have a thrilling Thursday further folks!

Signing off  (Battery on my  note book running low)


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the end of another day