
Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday Fings

African Bushland - it's stunning!

My calender I got from Scarborough, North England's Cartoon for this month

Two Zebras Crossing?
Hi all!  How is your first Friday of February 2013, February is  "the month of love",  I guess it will be the same as every year, Valentine's day comes and passes and it is time to look forward to Easter!  Well if you have a shop or two anyway?  The marketers love holidays/occasions, it's time to bring in the sales?

Today is a super sunny and hot day here in the Western Cape, South Africa,

I had a great Snoekies Calamari Wrap from Snoekies at Eden on the Bay for lunch today.  I put their menu to my ad blog, I think they are great!  Good take-away fish.  Not too expensive either!

Quote of the day:
"the most important trip you make in life is meeting people half way." - Henry Boyle

Well I do hope y'all have a wonderful weekend.  Have a fantastic Friday further folks!

Signing off


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