
Friday, November 16, 2012

The fuel pipeline to OR Tambo has been rendered unfit for use by airlines.

The fuel pipeline to the OR Tambo International Airport has been contaminated and rendered unfit for use by airlines, the Airports Company SA (Acsa), said on Thursday.
"The impact of the contamination on the fuel pipeline is such that approximately seven million litres of fuel, which is currently in storage, is unusable, reducing OR Tambo International Airport's stock levels from four days to 1.6 days," Acsa spokesman Solomon Makgale said in a statement

Cape Town is apparently the most popular holiday destination in the UK at the moment.  (according to a local newspaper)  I was there (in the UK) last month and it was grim and cold, weatherwise, already.  Escape the winter and visit Cape Town?  It is only an 11 and a half  hour flight away!!

Hi all how is your day?
It is a superb, sunny and warm day here in the Western Cape Today.
Somebody who really likes my blogs and their content, wants me to help them to create a blog for their business.  They were told by somebody else (not me)  that they are apparently a super way of marketing your company and what it does?!?  I don't know but I think they might be correct.  I am a one man show and do not have a business so I know nothing my dear!
It's always nice to know that you have fans out there?!?
My Ad Dynamo stats say that I have earned R34-98 since I added them to my blogs in January?  Not a Millionaire yet!  Well one day is one day!  I was using Google's adsense before but what a load of huey they were!  A R10000 payment threshold and claiming that they had to close down my account  for unauthorised click activity on my account.
They lost out?  Always better to think that?
5 days from today and I turn 32. Heck?
Anyway this is the time for me to say adios folks, it's been great having you read my blog posting for today.  Thank you and Dubai  (Emirates ad's slogan used to be hello and Dubai).
Signing off

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the end of another day