
Monday, November 19, 2012

A Monday memo


The old days of air travel, This photo is of a BOAC Lockheed Constellation at Nairobi Airport in the 1950's

This pic is from My mom's Birthday on 21 September this year
Table Mountain 
Hi all!  How is your Monday?

It is a super, sunny and warm day, here in the Western Cape today.

Yesterday my Mom, Marti and I went up Table Mountain, it was  the anniversary of the passing of Marti's husband recently,so we went up the Mountain because he liked Table Mountain.  I have been up Table Mountain 5 times in my life. The first time it was my sister Helen and her friend Geraldine, then the next time Helen's boyfriend, Jonathan Cherry, my mom and I went up.  I went up the mountain for the third time with my sister Claire's friend Andrew and the last time I was there it was last year October with my mom and Aunty Margaret.  It is well worth a visit!  I love it up there, it is so picturesque.  I have to hold on to somebody up there though as the height makes me a bit unstable on my feet.  I sat on a big rock while they went to explore the north side of the mountain.  I have never been there  (the north side of Table Mountain), but the path is a bit steep to the north side of this mountain.  I sat on a big boulder while they went exploring.  One of the official guides on the mountain was telling the tourists that they bring many people in wheelchairs up the mountain, I also learnt a few things from what he was telling them.I was meant to sit on the rock?

After the mountain we drove to Noordhoek and had lunch at Roux's Restaurant  (our Hero and Numptie Award winners for this last week) the week ends on a Sunday!?!  I suppose it depends on which religion you follow?  It is so wonderful there.  Vida e Cafe at The V&A waterfront, for a Cafe Latte was our final stop of the day.

I won R32 on Saturdays Lottery! There I was thinking I had won nothing on this ticket but the Lotto Machine at Pick 'n Pay Eden on the Bay went bling bling and said on the screen "congratulations you are a winner R32-50"

Tomorrow I am going to bake some things for my friends at 248 Blouberg Road, seeing as how this year (well in 2 days from today it is my Birthday!)  my Birthday is on a volunteering Wednesday!  I won't put too many details of exactly what I am making, as a few of them read my blog posts, and we can't let the cat out of the bag!  Mum's the word!

Unfortunately that is all from moi pour ajourdoui folks!  Have a magnificent day further.

Signing off


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