
Thursday, October 18, 2012

and once more?

A Super Bistro!

My packaging from my inflight meal on my KLM flight home yesterday

Lufthansa's October uniform for it's Cabin Crew and a photo from a brochure I picked up in a travel agent in England when changing money!

All in the wording?  It sounds like this wallet is for classic black men only!?!  From my KLM Holland Herald Magazine yesterday.

Hi folks!  How are y'all this Thursday.

It is a sunny and warm here today in Bloubergstrand.  I left a cold and wet Amsterdam yesterday morning and 11 hours and 15 minutes later landed in Cape Town.  We  (the passengers on my flight) got offered a mint on a tray prior to landing in Cape Town, yesterday.  I have mentioned how I like it when airline's serve sweets shortly before landing.  A sweet ending to your flight?  I guess KLM do read my blog postings?!? It shows that they do on my blog stats and I did get a mail from one of their employees confirming my suspicion once.  Apparently they do like my blog?!?  

Romeo, next door's cat was here at around 7am this morning.  He was really pleased to see me, unless of course his purring and rubbing up against my legs for a long time is indicative of something else?  And we had absolutely no cat food around when he was doing all this cat-human affection stuff.  No cat food in my home at all until we bought him a bag of Friskies when shopping at Pick 'n Pay, Melkbos, this afternoon.  

There was not much food for humans in my home after a month in Europe.  We did not want mice, it was winter when we left. It is Spring now!  Yeeha.  How people can survive the weather in winter in Europe is something else.  It was cold and rained most days during my trip to the Netherlands and England.  There is so much more space and less people in Africa, no hustle and bustle or cramming into packed public transport.  A lady and her husband assisted me onto the train when we left Santpoort for Amsterdam one evening.  Why did I put that on my blog post for today?  When people do random acts of kindness in the world of today it always makes my day.  Boy am I sad but pleasantness and assisting your neighbour is not very common in this world of today?!?

Anyway I am all typed out and still a bit jet lagged from yesterday's flight.

Have a fantastic day further peeps.

Signing off


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the end of another day