
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

my 6 pack!  been working out!  Ok so it's not me but do I have to be honest all the time?

Hi all!

Hope you are all enjoying the holidays!

from a lovely hot, humid and sunny Bloubergstrand I shall sign off for today. (it's holidays, so no blogging?  Have
a fantastic day further folks.

Signing off


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Never forget?

Hi all!  Sorry I have been unable to blog recently, but here I am  today!

It is a super sunny and warm day here in Bloubergstrand today.

Mom, my sister Claire and I took a nice walk on the beach today.  Yesterday the three of us went shopping and had lunch at the V & A Waterfront.

On this in 1996 we had returned from a holiday to Mauritius, on the 22 December, and my life went quickly downhill from that day.

 On 23rd December 1996 we went shopping in Eastgate Shopping Centre  to buy some Christmas presents and I passed out at Eastgate. That afternoon I went with my sister, Helen, to the GP.  He thought I had diabetes.  It turned out to be worse than that, the day I visited the Neurologist to see why my vision was becoming so bad and I had been getting blinding headaches.

Thank God I survived but the memories of what happened to me will unfortunately  never disappear.

I am stronger for it?  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?    I know now that whatever happens was meant to happen?

Anyway this blog posting was not meant to depress any of my blog viewers but just to say that I am here?

Unfortunately that is all from me for today's blog posting.

Have a superb day further folks!

Signing off


Sunday, December 16, 2012


Hi all!  How is your day?

It is a superb day here in the Western Cape today, hot and sunny.

My two sisters both left Schipol Airport (Amsterdam) this morning but they are headed in different directions!  My sister, Claire is flying to us here in Cape Town for Christmas. (she lands at 9pm tonight) My oldest sister, Helen and her family are headed to Puerto Rico for Christmas.  You will definately have a better Christmas in South Amercan, this year!  How Grumpy stole Christmas?  Both Countries have Christmases that are super hot and sunny.  Weather just like it was for the world's first ever Christmas!  If you do not believe in Christ how can you celebrate Christmas?

Our parish priest, FR. Kevin was in Jo'burg last week and went to confession with Fr. Leathem at St.
Thereasa's in Edenvale while he was there.  I am 100% convinced, I could not have survived what I did if I had not had the Church's prayers and communion, aloe vera and other things, from FR. Leathem and the congregation at this church.

Anyway moving on....

2013 is almost here!  Fantastic?

Well on that happy thought I will go, but do not let it spoil your day?  Have a fantastic day further folks!

Signing off

Friday, December 14, 2012

balls up

Justin Bieber’s balls worth $2,500 each, scores top spot in social 

A couple of night's in a Grand hotel would cost as much as Justin's balls!
Find him not too pleasing on one's eye anyway.  Too youthful!


Rather buy a few stamps than insure my family jewels!
What a crazy world and times we live in folks!  Did somebody have to touch his assets to see if they where worth that amount of moola?  Thank God it wasn't me!

Signing off



Thursday, December 13, 2012

Times of Thursday

"you called?"

This fish and chip shop is in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England.
Naturally I could not walk past it and not take a photo, when I was there (Scarborough) in September of this year,

from the cat's little instruction book
Hi all!  How is your Thursday?

It is a superb day here in Bloubergstrand today.  Hot and sunny, it's humid too.  Lovely!

I love it when it is Holiday time.  The normally sleepy complex where I live is alive with noise and laughter.  While I was sitting in my room just now, there were some  teenagers walking past discussing their future and two little boys playing a game.  I love having life about me.  My next door neighbour's daughter, who I assume has just learnt to drive (she used to have learner plates on her new car but they are no more!), was going in her car to somewhere unaccompanied to the advice of a man saying "drive carefully."  I don't think anyone wants to drive dangerously?  or do they?

I put a whole pile more print ads on my ad blog this morning.  I am always fascinated by ads for some odd reason.  My interest in them started when I was around 15 years old,we were learning about the power of advertising in English lessons at school?.  The power behind a few words with images on paper or a tv or movie screen, is amazing.  Making people buy things just because it says or shows something that appeals to them!?  "Buy this new cream and you will look like a supermodel!"  Thanks but no thanks.  Telesales ads intrigue me too.  All the empty promises?

Well  before the director of the Jupiter Drawing Room, or any other advertising company, like WADG (a man I know from church called Wayne, who owns this  advertising company that does pretty well.)  contacts me  I shall say no more!

So I'll go folks, "but you will know ,I will think of you every step of the way"! or not?

Signing off


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday Yay

"Can you keep a secret?"

Thank you from letter Hospice.

248 Blouberg Road, St. Luke's Hospice Shop, this morning.

The odd keyring from Monday's lunch has now officially been clarified, I was right, it is for pills and not to stick where the sun don't shine or whatever???!
Hi all!  How has your day been?

It is a super hot and sunny day here, in Blouberg today.

They gave all the volunteers at 248 Blouberg Road,carrot cake, non alcoholic champagne and a letter of thanks this morning at the charity shop.  Super, Thanks Yvonne and Tracey.

Not much to blog today?  So I shall go!?!

Have a fantastic day further folks!

Signing off from blogging for today


Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Hi y'all!  How is your day?

It is a super sunny and hot day here in Bloubergstrand (where my home is)/ Melkbostrand (where Shylocks2,  the hair salon where I had my hair cut this morning,is located).  Looking all neatly groomed, well my hair is!?!

Tomorrow it is, and this time I did not get the closing date wrong, the penultimate hospice shop day for Wednesday mornings 10am till 1pm for 2012.  Only a year and I shall be back there!  Well a new year (2013) anyway.  No mail from anyone excited that I have stopped volunteering there, it caused quite a stir, last time I posted this to my blog.

Yesterday all the volunteers at the lunch got an odd shaped key-ring among other gifts from hospice.  I reckon it is for keeping your tablets in, the odd cylindrical plastic thingy on the key chain?  It does make the mind boggle what you could do with an odd cylindrical shaped plastic device.  Shove it where the sun don't shine? Well I guess if you can't find another use for it?  I won't do that, thanks but no thanks!  It is too small for coins to fit in it and has a bit that opens wide enough  for capsules?   Oh the ideas go on and on?

Anyway on that thought to ponder, I shall say adios folks, nos vidanye.

Signing off


Monday, December 10, 2012


Hi y'all!  How is your Monday going/been?

It is a lovely day, sunny and hot, here in Bloubergstrand/Tableview today.

Today there was a 248 Blouberg Road (St. Luke's Hospice Shop) Volunteer's lunch at Cattle Baron in Blouberg.  Excellent event!  Great food, gifts and all in all a really good time.  Thanks Annie and Yvonne (shops "co-ordinators")  for a super event for the end of 2012!

Unfortunately that is all from moi pour ajourdoui.  Have a Marvelous Monday further folks!

Signing off

for alnlyb, and? and myamazingjournee blogs for today.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

I would love to be here right now, it looks calm and serene

Romeo managed to come inside the house today while oupa (my father) was asleep.
  What you don't know you don't need to know!

Hi peeps!  How r y'all today.

It is a lovely sunny and warm day here in Bloubergstrand today.

We (mom and I) met my "sister" Elaine for coffee at Bayside Mall this morning.  It was going to be movies but there is nothing worth watching at the cinemas presently.  We were talking and a guy who came to repair our fridge and was very rude to my mom when he was here - never shout at your customer!, came up in conversation.  Why?  Elaine was saying that one of her therapists had just lost her partner who drove into the back of a truck on his motor bike.  His name was Jason and he worked for the Coolman fridge repair company.  What you do to others will always come back to you in whatever way?  Be kind and pleasant to everyone you meet in life?  You never know the day nor the hour?  I want people to remember me as kind and considerate, not rude and obnoxious!

Anyway that is unfortunately all from my side for today.  Have a pleasant day further folks, fasten your seat belt if you are in any type of vehicle and most importantly, be kind and pleasant to everyone you meet in life!

Signing off from my blogs for today.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday typing

Somebody told my mom a pile of porkies.  1) there is nothing seriously wrong with their health 2) they only came to be closer to their estranged wife in Johannesburg and their marriage is not on such rocky ground, why does she call him every day from joburg?(the estranged wife)Why people lie?

My headphones my Nephews gave me for my Birthday - I really like them (the headphones and my nephews - they are  BOTH fab)

The same visitor who was mentioned on our first pic, told me that they don't mind Romeo (next doors cat) coming inside my home but I have to keep him off the furniture. No prob with that but it has been very stressful keeping the neighbours cat from running into my house.  He is dining outside these days and if he manages to come in the house he is swiftly put outside!
Hi folks from a warm and sunny Bloubergstrand. (19:25 here presently).

Only 20 days until Christmas Eve 2012! It does not feel too much  like Christmas, all the cheer and joy went out the window when our guest arrived from Perth, on the day after my Birthday (21 November), they arrived 22 November.

My sister Claire arrives from Amsterdam on 16 December to celebrate Christmas with us.  Thank God for that!

I can't believe their will soon be a new Royal born!

This year we are having Christmas day lunch at the Blue Peter Hotel.  Very apt, our guest is named Peter and he is very unhappy with most things!  

Anyway before I get mail from anywhere in the world, I shall say bye folks have a super day further,

Signing off


Sunday, December 2, 2012

second day

I rented this DvD from Vees Videos at Eden on the bay YESTERDAY AFTERNOON.  It was  entertaining but lacked a good story line, I give it a  6/10 from me for good entertainment value.

Hi all!  How is your Sunday?

Today it has been cloudy all day here in Bloubergstrand (home) and Tableview (where the Church is that I attend).

Not much to report to the world wide web this Sunday afternoon.

I thank you all, who view my blog postings.  I have reached over 11000 readers on all my blogs, according to my blogger statistics anyway.  Not too shabby?!?

Have a superb Sunday further folks.

Signing off for all of my blogs for today.


Friday, November 30, 2012

not too many days left

Hi all from a super, sunny and hot Western Cape, South Africa.

It is only 1 day and a month until 2013!  Where has all the time gone?

I have not cooked anything for the last week!  I hope that this skill is like riding a bicycle?  Once you know how to, you never forget?  I do still know how to ride a bicycle, but my balance is not optimal for cycling these days. So it's Stationery bikes only for me, folks!

I have not been doing much this last week so not much to report about.

I have earned the grand total of R35-40 on my Ad Dynamo account so far (I started using Ad Dynamo in January?), so only another R64-60 and I am eligible for my payment!  Boy I bet Donald Trump is not panicking that I will soon be mega bucks well off?!?  What do you mean you aren't either?  Maybe one day?

I posted yesterday about the weird things the paid for tweets suggest that I can offer advice on.  I know nothing my dear!

Unfortunately this is the end of the road for today's blog postings.  Have a Fantastic Friday further folks.

Signing off


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hi all!  How is your Thursday?

It is a super sunny and warm day in Blouberg Today.

This morning I was looking at all the paid for tweets that Ad Dynamo places to my Twitter account and boy do I look super intelligent or what?!?  I am offering advise on all sorts of things!  Not me folks, but the company I am advertising for via my paid for tweets!  I cannot give you financial or legal advice but my tweets do say I offer it!  If you need a lawyer or an accountant best to seek somebody else?  Seek and yee shall find!

One has to be careful of what goes on the net with your name on it!  Caused a bit of fuss and nonsense when I mentioned my last two days at Hospice.  I meant for this year (2012) and not for ever!  I got a few emails (10) from fb viewers and my blog followers, enquiring about me leaving SLHPS after 9 years of volunteering there.  No need for the cake or balloons to say cheery bye to me anymore!

I love 90's music I was listening to some this morning.  Fantastic, fantastic, faaantastic!

Anyway that is unfortunately all from me for today.  Have a super week further y'all!

Signing off


Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Never assume, or you  make make an ass out of u and me!?

I posted on my fb profile yesterday that today was my second last volunteering day for Hospice. I meant for this year!  However my co-volunteer Pam read my face book posting and when I arrived there today she had told them I was not coming there again!  Silly silly silly?  No!  What one person reads another reads differently.

the end of another day