
Sunday, December 16, 2012


Hi all!  How is your day?

It is a superb day here in the Western Cape today, hot and sunny.

My two sisters both left Schipol Airport (Amsterdam) this morning but they are headed in different directions!  My sister, Claire is flying to us here in Cape Town for Christmas. (she lands at 9pm tonight) My oldest sister, Helen and her family are headed to Puerto Rico for Christmas.  You will definately have a better Christmas in South Amercan, this year!  How Grumpy stole Christmas?  Both Countries have Christmases that are super hot and sunny.  Weather just like it was for the world's first ever Christmas!  If you do not believe in Christ how can you celebrate Christmas?

Our parish priest, FR. Kevin was in Jo'burg last week and went to confession with Fr. Leathem at St.
Thereasa's in Edenvale while he was there.  I am 100% convinced, I could not have survived what I did if I had not had the Church's prayers and communion, aloe vera and other things, from FR. Leathem and the congregation at this church.

Anyway moving on....

2013 is almost here!  Fantastic?

Well on that happy thought I will go, but do not let it spoil your day?  Have a fantastic day further folks!

Signing off

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