
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Times of Thursday

"you called?"

This fish and chip shop is in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England.
Naturally I could not walk past it and not take a photo, when I was there (Scarborough) in September of this year,

from the cat's little instruction book
Hi all!  How is your Thursday?

It is a superb day here in Bloubergstrand today.  Hot and sunny, it's humid too.  Lovely!

I love it when it is Holiday time.  The normally sleepy complex where I live is alive with noise and laughter.  While I was sitting in my room just now, there were some  teenagers walking past discussing their future and two little boys playing a game.  I love having life about me.  My next door neighbour's daughter, who I assume has just learnt to drive (she used to have learner plates on her new car but they are no more!), was going in her car to somewhere unaccompanied to the advice of a man saying "drive carefully."  I don't think anyone wants to drive dangerously?  or do they?

I put a whole pile more print ads on my ad blog this morning.  I am always fascinated by ads for some odd reason.  My interest in them started when I was around 15 years old,we were learning about the power of advertising in English lessons at school?.  The power behind a few words with images on paper or a tv or movie screen, is amazing.  Making people buy things just because it says or shows something that appeals to them!?  "Buy this new cream and you will look like a supermodel!"  Thanks but no thanks.  Telesales ads intrigue me too.  All the empty promises?

Well  before the director of the Jupiter Drawing Room, or any other advertising company, like WADG (a man I know from church called Wayne, who owns this  advertising company that does pretty well.)  contacts me  I shall say no more!

So I'll go folks, "but you will know ,I will think of you every step of the way"! or not?

Signing off


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the end of another day