
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

to Tuesday's!

Bloubergstrand beach with Table Mountain in the background,  Taken by me on my cellphone when  my sister, Claire was here in December.

Hi all!  How is your Tuesday?

It is a sunny and super hot day here in Bloubergstrand today.

I have decided to use the Checkers Money transfer service offered by Capitec Bank, to receive my payment from OLX, that is  if my buyer of my wares on OLX ever contacts me again?  I was going to use my Post Bank account, I set up about four years ago, just for selling goods on line with my friend Leona, she used to be a Hospice volunteer,  I still see here (Leona) out and about sometimes, at church, shops etc.  I only have about R50 in my Post Bank Account but the money transfer thing is easier?

I will soon be an ex-hospice volunteer in a few months too.  I have been there for a few too many years (9 years so far!) and if my home ever sells the UK is a wee bit too far to go to 248 Blouberg Road!?! (9300km plus).  I will miss Africa but a change is as good as a holiday?  I will never see sunshine and warm weather again?!?

"Wisdom is knowing which path to take...Integrity is taking it." Today's quote in my diary.  Once more it is by Unknown.  What a wise person Unknown is?!?

Well that's all from moi pour ajourdoui  folks.  Have a Tantilating Tuesday further folks wherever your final destination takes you!

Signing off


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the end of another day