
Monday, January 28, 2013


Our national airline, South African Airways make them selves out to be ???holes once again!  In a country where people are starving, Air Chefs, SAA's Catering firm throw out loads of food on a daily basis!  Why?  Things like prepared meals, snacks and desserts

Yzerfontein yesterday from my cellphone camera

Hi all!  How is your Monday?  Hopefully it is not a manic Monday!?!

It is a super sunny and warm day here in Bloubergstrand today.

Yesterday my mom, our friend, Marti, and I went down the West coast.  We had lunch in Yzerfontein, coffee in Philadelphia at de Malle Meul, which is a great place, and ended up having ice cream at the Wimpy at the Birkenhead Centre in Melkbos.

How peaceful and pleasant my home is once more, since our Christmas guest left for their home, in oz, on Saturday morning.

Quote of the day:
"Every man's work, wether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always  a portrait of himself." Samuel Butler

Well unfortunately that is all from me for today folks.  Have a marvelous Monday further.

Signing off


Saturday, January 26, 2013


Whatever floats your boat?  Sticks and stones may break your bones but maybe whips and chains are your thing?
Hi all!  It is a lovely sunny and warm day here in Cape Town today!

How apt? Today is a public holiday in Australia called Australia Day - my calender says it is anyway!  and our Christmas visitor from Australia, who arrived the day after my Birthday (on the 22 November, my birthday is the 21st) returned home to Perth via Mauritius this morning!

I have been contacted by my buyer of my play station on OLX today.  Does he/she follow my blog?  I had to put it in my personal info if I had a website!  Is a blog the same thing?

My home goes in the Sunday Times property paper tomorrow, so if you want a house in Bloubergstrand, Western Cape buy tomorrows Sunday Times and come buy my house?  (It was worth a try?)

Anywayyou know what comes next?  It's now time for me to bid you all a fond farewell. "Until my next blog posting have a fantastic day further folks!"

Signing off


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

to Tuesday's!

Bloubergstrand beach with Table Mountain in the background,  Taken by me on my cellphone when  my sister, Claire was here in December.

Hi all!  How is your Tuesday?

It is a sunny and super hot day here in Bloubergstrand today.

I have decided to use the Checkers Money transfer service offered by Capitec Bank, to receive my payment from OLX, that is  if my buyer of my wares on OLX ever contacts me again?  I was going to use my Post Bank account, I set up about four years ago, just for selling goods on line with my friend Leona, she used to be a Hospice volunteer,  I still see here (Leona) out and about sometimes, at church, shops etc.  I only have about R50 in my Post Bank Account but the money transfer thing is easier?

I will soon be an ex-hospice volunteer in a few months too.  I have been there for a few too many years (9 years so far!) and if my home ever sells the UK is a wee bit too far to go to 248 Blouberg Road!?! (9300km plus).  I will miss Africa but a change is as good as a holiday?  I will never see sunshine and warm weather again?!?

"Wisdom is knowing which path to take...Integrity is taking it." Today's quote in my diary.  Once more it is by Unknown.  What a wise person Unknown is?!?

Well that's all from moi pour ajourdoui  folks.  Have a Tantilating Tuesday further folks wherever your final destination takes you!

Signing off


Monday, January 21, 2013

Mundi stuff

Hi all how is your Moday?

It is a superb, sunny and hot day here in Bloubergstrand today.

I listed my  Playstation and 8 games on OLX on Friday (online sales), I got a reply from a keen buyer on Saturday but where are they now?  A Saturday afternoon impulse "buyer"?  Got to sell all my stuff as a move might be on my agenda soon.  We have had 5 house viewings so far and our house has only been on the market for two weeks.  One couple really liked our house, well she did her hubby is not sure!

Only 3 Months left at St. Luke's Hospice shop volunteering for me, if the house sells!  I have enjoyed my 9 years of one day a week volunteer 3 hour "job" at 248 Blouberg Road.  Met quite a few interesting people and sold stuff to people to make money for the patients over 9 years (well it will have be in April? of this year)

A quote for today?
"Problems become opportunities when the right people join together." unknown who is unknown?

Unfortunately that is all from me for today's blog postings folks.

Signing off


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

more from me?

ANA 787

Terrible news about the All Nippon Airways Boeing 787.  Is Boeing's Dreamliner just a dream, an illusion now?  

Iceland and the others in the UK with bad Pizzas  What a start to 2013 and it is only the first month?

You know what's coming up next, if you are a regular follower of my blogs?

Unfortunately folks that is all from moi pour ajourdoui!  Have a wonderful Wednesday further folks!

Signing off


Monday, January 14, 2013

The 26th is on it's way!  Yeeha?

Hi all!  How is your Monday?

It is a lovely, sunny and hot, day here in Bloubergstrand today.  The bad weather in Europe and especially in the UK today does not look good.  I saw on Sky News this morning that Leeds Bradford (LBA) airport was closed because of the snow, but in October when I left from their for Amsterdam, and a few days later back to Cape Town, it was cold but snow not good?  I don't know how people mange?  I have slipped i snow before in the Netherlands and almost ended up ?ss over ?it

Quote of the day from my diary, "Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence is the key to unlocking our potential." - Liane Cardes  Right on I say?

Back to work on Wednesday!  I do hope I have been missed?

I was reviewing the new Chevrolet Spark advert on tech facts (paid for surveys but I have never been paid?)  on Friday morning.  Cool ad but I don't know what others will think.  The wisdom of mother Theresa (an email I once got had this quote from her on it)  "Do not worry what other people think, they do not do it often!"  Before I get mail, I will say...

Unfortunaly folks right now I got to go?  Have a dapper day further folks!

Signing off


Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Lost time is never found again." - Benjamin Franklin

Sunday Stuff

Horse play

Hi all!  How is your Sunday?

It is a super sunny day here in Blouberg today.

Have a super Sunday whatever you are doing today folks!

Signing off


Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Fings

Hi all!  How is your Friday?

It is a super, Sunny and hot day here in Bloubergstrand today.

Blue Peter  (my not very pleasant father) and his wife Alice (whom he originally claimed he was divorcing but that was all a lie!)  From the day of his arrival where he called a a nasty bitc?  to staying together at the Blue Peter Hotel and looking for a home how people changes their minds sometimes?  Is he all okay up there?

Yeeha it's back to work on Wednesday.  I miss 248 Blouberg Road aka St. Luke's Hospice shop when I am not there for a long while. It is what the place does for those in need that I like about my "job".  To help the needy brilliant?

Anyway unfortunaley folks my lap top that I got for Christmas, battery needs recharging!  So I will have to go!  Do have a superb day further folks and once again thank y'all for following my blog.

Signing off


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Swiss miss?

Edelweiss was just a small regional Airline when I visited there (Zurich) in 2004.  My friend Gillian flew KLM via Amsterdam to get to Zurich and then on to Canada.  Should have flown Edelweiss from Cape Town it would have been quicker?  No waiting time at Schipol? Edelweiss fly Airbus A330's out of CPT and KLM uncomfortable Boeing 777's.
Your choice Swiss or Dutch?

Quote for today

Marti gave me a chocolate bar from Switzerland (Migros Supermarkets) yesterday on the way to the Winelands just as an Edelweiss A330 flew overhead.  Strange?

Hi all!  from a sunny, hot and beautiful western Cape South Africa.  It would have been a perfect day, but grumpy returns tonight for another 2 or 3 weeks!  Australia needs you Pete time to go home?

I was asked by a lady, Margaret, an ex-hospice volunteer, if I would like to volunteer for a charity that has just been set up in Melkbos, when I bumped into her while shopping at the Pick 'n Pay this morning.  Why have I not been approached by a mega business that need my assistance?  All work and no pay?  makes Dave a very interesting person?  Or something like that?!?  My destiny in life is clearly unpaid charity volunteering?  No problem with that!

There was an American family sitting in the ice cream parlour, in Franschoek, yesterday afternoon while I dined on my ice cream.  They were talking about their trip home via Heathrow whilst there.  We all listen in on other peoples conversations?!?  Why didn't they fly Delta direct to CPT miss out the Heathrow bit?  Maybe they do not know Delta Airlines and SAA fly from the USA non-stop to Cape Town?  When you know better, you do better?  Or something similar?

I am sorry to disappoint anyone reading my blog posts for today, but right now I gotta go!  My laptops battery is saying only 25 minutes left!  Have a super day further folks!

Signing off


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

all new

The year ahead!

At Spier wine farm,  just outside the shop, they had this amazing solar panel table that charges your devices just by them being on this table.  It charged my cell in the 30 minutes we sat at this table.  So I guess it works?

Spier today
Hi all!

Today it has been a super hot and sunny day here in the Western Cape.  Mom, Marti and I had lunch at Spier in the Stellenbosch winelands and an ice cream in Franschoek.  I live it up large?

My diary for this year is big A4 Diary ,I have always wanted one but what am I going to enter on the pages of this big diary?  The mind boggles!?!  My life is not too hectic?  I have decided to do the Friday Morning as well as my usually Wednesday morning volunteering day at the Hospice shop this year.

Anyway the diary has daily quotes, so here's today's quote:
"And now let us welcome the New Year. Full of things that have never  been." Rainer Maria Rilke

After that inspiring quote I shall bid y'all farewell.  Have a Terrific Tuesday further folks!

Signing off


the end of another day