
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gone forever

"I'm outta here y'all!"

"Love me for a reason, let the reason be love!"
Hi all!  How is your last Day of February 2013!  28 days come and gone so fast, might as well be leaving for a new month, a new dawn but I'm feeling fine!!

It is a lovely sunny day here in Big Bay today.

My friend Jillian's grandson's cat (one of those long stories), got bitten by a snake and died from the venom while trying to run back to it's owner for help on Tuesday?  Tragic.  Not sure why I put this on my blog but a loss of any life is so sad, and deserves a mention for a life once lived?

Outrage as SA Minister of Women insults Afrikaner men on Aus TV

Lulu Xingwawa caused outrage when she informed the Australian News on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation channel of her views.

Really bad to insult peeps if you are anybody, but a government minister!

Have a thrilling Thursday further folks!

Signing off  (Battery on my  note book running low)


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"There is a loftier ambition than merely to stand high in the world. It is to stoop down and lift mankind a little higher." - Henry van Dyke

Sunday, February 24, 2013



Oscar praying before a race at last year's Olympics.  He has a lot more to pray about, at the moment?  His brother Carl goes to court this week too!  What a family?  Somebody told me they should bring back the death penalty (there is no longer a death penalty in South Africa since 1994/5?) just for him!  Reeva was obviously scared of him and his temper when she locked herself in the bathroom on 14 February 2013?  I think justice must decide what to do!  

IBERIA Spanish Airlines on strike this week

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Hi all!  How is your day?

It is a wonderful day here today, sunny and warm.

Not much to blog today!  Have a fantastic day further folks.

Signing off


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Glued to TV

most of SA has been watching E TV all week
to view coverage of Oscar's Bail hearing.  Sky news had the best news updates on his hearing.

Bad boy!?!

And we all thought you were a good guy, Oscar!  Drugs, assault and a  temper!?!  All is revealed in this weeks You magazine!

Hi all.  How is your day?

How does somebody turn so evil?  He has still not been convicted as a coldblooded killer, but the evidence against him is pointing towards a murderer and not an accidental killer.  If you read this expose of his (Oscar's) life your perception of the blade runner will change?!?  Many of his ex friends are helping to expose his sordid life too!

Only time will tell!?!

Signing off


Friday, February 22, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

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Taken on my cellphone in August at Peaseholm Park in Scarborough
Hi all!  How is your Wednesday?

It is a lovely sunny day here in Bloubergstrand / Tableview today.  It (the weather) is not so hot anymore.  It's is Autumn in two months.  The winter of our discontentment  (thanks Will Shakespear for the descriptive words) is on it's way.

All the money that Oscar had that is now under threat!  No Nike funding for him anymore either.  Why did he do it?  Like somebody was saying to me in a Facebook chat, that if it was an accidental mistake that caused him to shoot Reeva, mistaking her for a burgular , you kind of feel sorry for him, but the evidence against this theory grows every time he appears in court.  He accidentaly fired his pistol in a restaurant last year and there is the boating disaster on the Vaal River that he needed to be hospitalized for, where they found loads of alcohol on his boat.

I have never met the guy, obviously, but like many people, from his life story he sounded like a super chap!  Not sounding like that anymore?  More like a cowboy?

moving on....

Quote for today
"It isn't hard to be good from time to time in sports.  What is tough is being good every day." - Willie Mays  
How odd?, that this quote is the quote for today in my 2003 diary!

This morning was my 248 Blouberg Road, St. Luke's Hospice Shop, volunteering day, once more.  Not much changes there!

Have a superb day further folks!

Signing off

Monday, February 18, 2013

Montag schreiben

Hi y’all!

How is your Monday? It is a super sunny day here in Blouberg today.

Awful for all the companies that used Oscar Pistorius in their ad campaigns -. They have all lost a fair deal of money as they are no longer going to be able to show theese ads.  This being Oscar month M-net (pay tv channel in South Africa) used to show Oscar giving his rating on films before they began.  “I give this movie a? Oscar rating” is what he says in these clips.  They have now found a cricket bat with his deceased girlfriend’s blood on it, at  his home, they (the investigators) are not sure if it was used as a weapon, as the crime scene has Reena Steenkamp’s blood  everywhere. (shame poor lady R.I.P)  They also found steroids in his home.  And we all thought he was a great guy!  Maybe it was an accidental shooting as his defence team and him are claiming, but banned substances in your home, now what’s the excuse for that!??    

I would like it if it was found to be an accidental murderer, as like most people, you used to feel kind of sorry for what life must be like with no legs and also inspired by what he has achieved, in the sporting world.

Quote of the day:
“The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved – loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.” – Unknown

Have a super day further folks.

Signing off


Sunday, February 17, 2013

SOOO Tragic

Reeva Steenkamp was so beautiful.  Unfortunately she is gone forever. RIP.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


note for 16th

My Auction on Bid or Buy, for my great moon Dragon figurine, ends on Friday coming up at 21:45 so do hurry up and bid if you would like to buy it, thanks DAVE.,
Hi my blog fans from around the world!  I must publish my blogs viewers stats on the this blog  soon.  I get quite a few viewing of my 11, was only ever going to be 9 blogs but I forgot I had two others when I created the last two blogs. Oh well!  The USA still take the lead for number of viewers of my blogs, in tied second is South Africa and the Netherlands.

It is a super sunny and hot day here in Bloubergstrand today.

Terrible news that they have just found horse meat in burgers in other EU countries.  I do like a burger, so does Michelle Dewsberry (newspaper reviewer on Sky News who previously won Sir Allen Sugar's THE APPRENTICE) proclaimed the other morning on SKY NEWS.  I think it's the meal in one between two buns and the great taste, that entices me to eat a burger.

More viewings of my home at 1pm today.  Yesterday a very keen house viewer came to look, but she needs her hubby's opinion before she buys.

I know this sounds a bit wussy, if he did actually kill his girlfriend, but I feel sorry for Oscar Pistorius.  Prison is not a nice place and is even harder if you have a physical disability?!?

That all from me for this Saturday.  Have a superb day further folks.

Signing off


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

More Monday?

Hi all!  How is your Tuesdays been / going?

It is a wonderful day here in Blouberstrand today.  The sun is shinning, it's nice and hot and the sea is a deep blue colour, fantastic?!?

It is volunteer Wednesday again for me tomorrow - blink and it's another Wednesday?!?

Need that something?  Maybe you'll find it in our Charity shop on 248 Blouberg Road?  Well it was worth a try?

Last night I cooked for the first time in Months - I made Chicken Spring Rolls. Very delicious. I will post the recipe to my recipe blog.  Very easy to make, just involves a bit of preparation.  Worth it though!

A quote for this Tuesday:
Ttrue herorism  is remarkably sober, very undramatic.  It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost" -Arthur Ashe

I hope I have had a few bidders for my Great Moon Dragon Ornament on Bid or buy.  Auction ends in 16 days and a few hours!

Was really thinking about wether or not to place this photo of me

after my op to attempt to remove my Brain Tumour in 1997 on my blog.  Eventually decided to. Why?  Whenever I have a hair cut (I had one yesterday morning)  The back of my neck is sore the next day - must be from the scars in my neck?  It wasn't the best hair dressing I have had ever, either.  They did not condition my hair, my hair dresser was busy cutting another hair dresser's hair and I had an uncomfortable wait (half a hour) at the basin where they wash your hair and they overcharged me?  I usually pay R80 when I have my Hair cut at Shylocks in Melkbos and yesterday it was R120 for the same thing!  Won't be going there again?

Got to mention bad service!  Why?  It helps, the establishment you mention improve their service?!

Unfortunately that is all from me for this afternoon, have a super Tuesday further folks!

Signing off


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saturday Stuff

This saying hangs above the desk at 248 Blouberg Road (St. Luke's hospice shop).  I think it is a good one?!?

I listed my Great Moon Dragon Figurine on Bid or Buy yesterday evening.
Want to buy it?  Go to Bid or Buy's website  Item ID 89361555.

Hi folks!

How is your first February Saturday for 2013?

It is a lovely sunny and hot day here in the Western Cape today, it was 34 degrees Celsius in Bloubergstrand at mid day.

There is no Church for me tomorrow, people are coming to view my home at 9:30 tomorrow morning.  I hope they are the buyers?  They will be the 4th lot of viewers we have had and we only listed our house for sale in mid January.  Desperate for a new life somewhere?  Why not Bloubergstrand?!?

Quote for today:
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.  The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." - Nelson Mandela

Romeo, next door's cat, that visits us everyday virtually all day, got some new Whiskas cat food when we went shopping to the Spar in the Paddocks Centre (there used to be a race course on the land where they built this shopping centre, an apt name?) today.  He loves it!  I have never seen him devour food like that before.

Apparently peeps are not allowed to say what they want on the world wide web anymore!?  There was a landmark ruling by a South African Court this week against a lady who defamed her ex-husband on Twitter and Facebook!  Where is freedom of expression?  If something is true I though you were allowed to share your opinion?  Obviously she went a little bit far?

Why were also those accounts on Twitter hacked into this week.  Over 23 000 or something - it was on Sky News  this morning.  My Twitter account is not too exciting any hacker would fall to sleep with what's on it? Like I said before I am on a site were I get paid for posting to my twitter, ads on every subject, it makes me look wise? Especially the advice I have apparently given on financial matters and recommendations on cars!

Unfortunately that is all from me for today.  Have a super day further y'all!

Signing off


Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday Fings

African Bushland - it's stunning!

My calender I got from Scarborough, North England's Cartoon for this month

Two Zebras Crossing?
Hi all!  How is your first Friday of February 2013, February is  "the month of love",  I guess it will be the same as every year, Valentine's day comes and passes and it is time to look forward to Easter!  Well if you have a shop or two anyway?  The marketers love holidays/occasions, it's time to bring in the sales?

Today is a super sunny and hot day here in the Western Cape, South Africa,

I had a great Snoekies Calamari Wrap from Snoekies at Eden on the Bay for lunch today.  I put their menu to my ad blog, I think they are great!  Good take-away fish.  Not too expensive either!

Quote of the day:
"the most important trip you make in life is meeting people half way." - Henry Boyle

Well I do hope y'all have a wonderful weekend.  Have a fantastic Friday further folks!

Signing off


the end of another day