
Friday, May 17, 2013

Recent alleged incidents of police brutality and torture in South Africa echo the apartheid era, a leading figure tells Sky News.

A police officer fires to disperse miners at Lonmin's Marikana mine in South Africa's North West Province

We (South Africa) made sky News today!  A report all about our police who harass, torture and wrongfully arrest citizens.  Nelson Mandela would be shocked, the South Africa he wanted to create is falling apart at the seems!  I was selling Christmas Cards for Hospice one November at a local shopping centre (Seaside Village) and needed to use the toilet, I was horrified when 8 policemen came into the toilets and insisted I go to the loo infront of them.  Then one Friday afternoon I was taking a walk in my complex where I live and was stopped by two police officers in their van and told I was drunk!  One of my neighbours saw this all unfolding and she called her friend Captain Nieme at the Tableview Police station and told him about this incident.  What has happened? You can'to go to the police if you ever need help?  There are some cops who aren't like this, my facebook friend who was a South African police officer has gone to work in France as he can't stand the image the South African Police are showing the world!

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the end of another day