Each individual has unique circumstances that they understand and care about far more than the government does or could.
We have a right to choose to get on with our lives.
Millions of livelihoods are at stake, while the lockdown death toll from non-Covid causes is mounting. This is why the DA continues to offer a detailed alternative approach when calling for an end to the ANC’s hard national lockdown.
ANC politicians are retaining it to save face, rather than lives, and to save their own jobs rather than everyone else’s. They will naturally err on the side of caution, since Covid deaths will be counted and notched up as deaths on their watch, whereas lockdown deaths will go uncounted and unattributed.
SA needs to get back to work, jettison the ANC, and reform our economy swiftly, to start building for the benefit of everyone, especially those who’ve been excluded the longest.
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