
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The DA has written to Parliament, to request that Minister Ebrahim Patel justifies the restrictions around e-commerce and the sale of all goods online for delivery during the level 4 lockdown.
During the hard lockdown, Minister Patel said that e-commerce could not be allowed because it would be "unfair" to spaza shops as they were closed. This turned out not to be true.
To date, no logical rationale has been provided to citizens.
The continued rejection of unfettered e-commerce is simply unsustainable & without reason. SA is a real outlier when compared to other countries that are relying on e-commerce to get goods to consumers in a safe way to reduce Covid-19 risk.
Parliament has made much of this new fourth industrial revolution and now is a perfect opportunity to embrace it - use its oversight powers to compel the Minister to justify his views and demand a way forward ensure the full sale of goods through e-commerce

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