
Saturday, March 29, 2014


Mandela's cabinet consisted of 28 ministers and their deputies.
Thabo Mbeki cabinet consisted of 28 ministers and their deputies.
Jacob Zuma cabinet consists of 34 ministers plus 34 deputy ministers. Each minister has 8 bodyguards and 2 mansions in Cape Town and in Pretoria. Each deputy minister has 8 bodyguards and 2 mansions in Cape Town and in Pretoria.

In 2009 when the Zuma government took over, auditor general reported a loss of R8 billion.
In 2010 we lost R15 billion. 
In 2011 n 2012 we lost R20 billion.
In 2013 we lost R31 billion.

America has about 400 million citizens and Obama cabinet consists of only 20 people. 

South Africa has 51 million citizens and is the only country in the world that has the biggest cabinet that consist of 128 people. 

Our debt is R1 trillion.

As you vote on May 7th, think about the billions we lose every year, monies that could have created jobs. 

HOW MUCH ZUMA'S WIVES COST YOU: Spousal Support Unit had increased from R4.5m in 2004/05 to R8m in 2007/8, to R15.5 million in 2009/10 under Zuma. In other words, it has effectively doubled. Significantly, the only way you can get
information on the Spousal Unit is through parliamentary questions. There is no longer a stand alone line item for it in the Presidency’s Annual Report (there used to be) and no dedicated program of action for it in the Presidency’s strategic plan. It is money spent with no identifiable outcome attached to it. And for the last two years, its full costs are unknown.

South Africa, how much more are we prepared to lose under Zuma?

If he retains his presidency on May 7th, do we have another 5 years to remain under this man?
How much more are we prepared to lose?

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