
Friday, April 26, 2013

great idea!

I thought it worth sharing with you that a project to inject South Africa's Rhino's horns with a deadly toxin and dye is well under way in the Greater Kruger National Park (incl. surrounding parks in Timbavati, Sabi-Sands, Baluli, Olifants, and others).  The process (which is harmless to Rhino), is a last resort to hopefully deter if not 'neutralise' the totally misinformed, penile dysfunctional market in Asia by whom virtually all ground rhino horn is consumed with total ignorance.  There is absolutely no benefit gained by the consumer (as it is merely a concentration of hair).  Chewing one's finger nails or eating one's hair would derive the same outcome. 

By sharing this amongst as many folk as possible around the world and thereby spreading the news to would be consumers through the power of viral media, there may be a glimmer of hope in ending the demand for horn, and thereby save our last few surviving animals for the next generation to experience and beyond.  This photo was taken at Olifants Private Game Reserve a few weeks ago. For more info go to: Rhino -Rescue -Project /192184154182685
I thought it worth sharing with you that a project to inject South Africa's Rhino's horns with a deadly toxin and dye is...

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