
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." - Cicero

Hi all!  How is your final Tuesday and day of April 2013?  Where did the year go?  It is the 120th day of 2013, today, and there are only 245 days left in this year!  Oh carp!  (I wrote carp but you read crap, why?  this strange mind phenomenon was explained in an email I once received - the mind only needs to read the first and last letters in a word in the correct order and the letters in the middle can be any which way you want! and you can still make out what is written)

so ltets see if you you can do tihs?  Tomorrow three is no hsopcie shop, as it is a pbuilc hloiday here in Suoth Arifca.

I clloeted my R31 win on my Staruady Lorttey  tckiet tdoay.  Sitll aaiwtnig my big win!

I hvae put the lmeon cihcekn recpiee I am ckoonig tihs week on one of my ohter blogs.  Lemon Chicken

Well back to normal English the other version is not as easy to type!

Have a fantastic day further folks!

 signing off

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