
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

in my mail

Dear St John’s Community As you can understand, this has been a very difficult week and there has been a great deal of focus on the school, following the outcome of the hearing involving a senior teacher. Despite all the fervour of the discussions around St John’s and amid growing allegations of racism, I wish to reiterate that the College does not condone racism in any shape, way or form. The ethos practised at St John’s is one of restoration and rehabilitation. The School’s motto - Lux Vita Caritas (Light Life and Love), represents the values of the College, which it has attempted to adhere to in over a century of its existence. The sanction visited on the teacher was in keeping with this ethos. However, there has been a great deal of reaction, some of it extreme and factually incorrect. This has done harm to the school and sowed anger and confusion for everybody involved in this matter. Following a meeting involving the Visitor of the College, the Right Reverend Doctor Steve Moreo, the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Council, myself and the teacher concerned, it was agreed that the relationship has broken down irretrievably and we have agreed to part ways. While this addresses the immediate issue, it does not address the allegations that racism is institutionalised at St John’s, a charge that, as I have repeatedly indicated, we emphatically deny. I accept that we have an obligation to examine our own perceptions, beliefs and motivations, especially in relation to challenging and difficult issues such as racism, bigotry, sexism, homophobia, misogyny, privilege and entitlement. We started this process last year, but will intensify our efforts going forward. St John’s has played an integral part in the development of Johannesburg and South Africa and will continue to play a leading and relevant role, cognisant of our responsibilities to embrace and honour diversity and transformation. As one of South Africa’s great schools, we go forward in faith. I look forward to you joining me in this endeavour, as a united St John’s community. Yours sincerely P A Edey Headmaster

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the end of another day