
Thursday, March 30, 2017

the only way is up!

Image may contain: 5 people, people standing, suit and text

I stopped explaining myself as soon as I realized people only understand from their level of perception.

On the radio yesterday they were asking children what does miss South Africa do?

one of them answered her role is to make South Africa great again.  I guess he has seen too many Donald T speeches on telly?
I will continually magnify the Lord, because He has pleasure in my success.I seek the Lord with all of my heart and He makes me to prosper.God delights to make me a profitable servant.God’s workings in my life are excellent and superior.I expect God’s EXCELLENCE and OVERFLOW to manifest in my character, in my gifts and power of the Holy Spirit, and I expect His EXCELLENCE and OVERFLOW to manifest in my health, my finances, my life, my family, my church, my home and my workplace.The blessings of the Lord makes me rich and He adds no sorrow to it.God, I make a decision to be someone You can trust with money.People are looking to bless me and give into my life today.I’m loaded financially.I have knowledge of witty inventions.I am crowned with wealth and attraction of God’s favor and peace.Nothing is impossible to me or for me.I am growing in God’s divine favor and I expect it all the time.I am satisfied and full of the blessings of the Lord and I possess the land.The favor of God goes before me into this day, week, month and year, creating divine appointments, connections and relationships for me.The favor of God changes government regulations, if need be, for me.The divine favor of God gives me superior treatment wherever I go and whatever I do.I have faith that I will experience so much of God’s blessings this year that I won’t be able to contain them.I am blessed - blessed in the city, in the field, going in and going out.My finances are increasing 100-fold!I am establishing God’s covenant by supporting world evangelism!I have wealth, power and I rejoice in my labor, this is the gift of God to me.I believe I receive OVERFLOW – I’m decreeing and demanding it because I am destined for it!My OVERFLOW will be SO BIG; it will cancel out all the losses of the past!I believe that as I give, God is going wild with His “good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over” blessings – that’s OVERFLOW!I believe I receive all of God’s promises.I am strong in my spirit; I am redeemed and set free.I am strong in my body; I am walking in divine health.I am strong in my finances; OVERFLOW is coming to me!I am creating my future with words – God’s words!My first priority is to reach the lost – I want to bless the Lord with souls.God is doing great things in me, around me and through me!I am destined for victory because the battle is the Lord’s!I am a visionary and by faith I see RESULTS, BREAKTHROUGHS AND MANIFESTATIONS in my life!God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think – that’s OVERFLOW!It is my Father’s good pleasure to give me the Kingdom. I command the will of God on the earth as it is in heaven.I will rise up in the authority of who I am in Christ Jesus and I will exercise that authority. I am the child of the Most High God – adopted through Jesus Christ.What Jesus did, I am called to do.God gives me success in all I set my hands to do.I am like a tree planted by the water; my roots go deep in God and His Word.Whatever happens in this world, I will always prosper.The ability of command is in my Spirit – I command the seed I’ve already planted to produce 100-fold return NOW!God will show me things I do not know.God’s words will form in my mouth.I will speak to the atmosphere and it will change around me.I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding.God is creating me strong in Him to rule in every sphere of authority.The power of God’s word in my mouth will cause breakthrough.I have the anointing to leap over the mountain that has been deceiving and intimidating me.I declare that the blockade that has stopped me from moving forward is now removed.God is creating a straight path for me to walk into my future.I agree and decree that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.I war with the Word for God’s calling to come forth.I am one who hears the call of God for this hour and knows how to follow after that call.I rebuke the negative reports over my finances, life and expectations and refuse to be disheartened or live in fear.God causes things to be released so I move in and through the gates He has for me.God forms the words of my mouth to confront those things that would keep me from my path.God’s voice guides me and forms His words in my mouth to stop the enemy from overtaking me.I renew my foundations in Christ and God will build me up and build my future.God is releasing His power to create a power shift in and through me.The flood gates of heaven have opened up for me Amen

L.E.T G.O= Leave everything to God, okay

"Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them."  - Lady Bird Johnson

Monday, March 13, 2017

Happy Monday Everyone!!!!

Happy Monday Everyone!!!!
Pastor dies after 30 days of dry fasting
Just as the story of Jesus the yearold pastor is reported to have left all possessions behind in search of a spiritual encounter with God

Friday, March 10, 2017

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when you are in need of some pork!

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oh oh it's raining again!

Image may contain: 1 person, plant and outdoor


tweet me? @davidworswick

love striring it up?

hitching a ride

have a

I used to love Alvin and the Chipmunks when I was 10!


the end of another day